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Author: Peter PWW
Pearl Butt Hare’s Ear Spider – Lee Hooper
- Hook : Grip 14731 #14
- Underbody : Lead wire
- Body: Hare’s Ear Dubbing
- Hackle: Chevron Hen Pheasant Cape
- Butt; Sybai Pearl Flat Tinsel
Based on a popular spider pattern this makes use of soft hackles from a Chevron Hen Pheasant neck, these give a long mobile hackle in a variety of speckled brown shades.
The Killer Bug – Lee Hooper
- Hook Grip 14711BL #12
- Underbody Lead Wire
- Body Sybai fine Alpaca Dubbing (Beige: Dark Brown :Pink)
- Head Pink Sybai Flat Tinsel
This is a Killer Bug Variant for Greyling. I did not have the classic Chadwicks 477 so blended Sybai Alpaca Dubbing in beige, dark brown and pink in equal proportions for the body.